Saturday, March 28, 2009

Miracle Uses for Common Household Products

These appeared in our local paper and I thought that I would share them with my readers. As you know there are avid followers of vinegar and duct tape. Well, here are some other items and things you can do with them. I'll cover more of them in later blogs. By the way, I have not tested these, so test them yourselves, no guarantees.

By the way, if you get a chance and need a laugh, check out my joke blog, ZJokes4U


1. Clean a toilet. Drop in two Alka-Seltzer tablets; wait 20 minutes, brush and flush.

2. Attract fish. Fill a tube jig with a piece of Alka-Seltzer and cast off.

3. Remove burned food from cookware. Fill your cookware with warm water, then dissolve six tablets and allow to sit for an hour or so.

4. Soothe insect bites. Dissolve two tablets in water and saturate a cloth or cotton ball with the solution, and place on the bite for 30 minutes. Don’t do this if you are allergic to aspirin, which is a key ingredient in Alka-Seltzer. An alternative suggested by our family Dr is meat tenderizer. Moisten the sting/bite and immediately put a heavy dose of meat tenderizer on it. Quicker is better because it counteracts the poison.

Aluminum foil

1. Sharpen your scissors by cutting through six to eight layers of aluminum foil.

2. Shine rusty chrome. With a bit of water on a wadded-up piece of aluminum foil, you can rub most rust spots off chrome car parts.

3. Keep birds out of your fruit trees. Hang twisted strips of aluminum foil all over your fruit trees using fishing line. The light reflections and the sound will keep birds away from your fruit.

4. Keep the bottom of your fireplace or charcoal grill from becoming encrusted with soot. Line the bottom of your fireplace or grill with aluminum foil before starting a fire, then dispose of the foil after the fire is out and the coals are completely cooled.

5. Eliminate electromagnetic interference if your TV and DVD player are stacked on top of each other. If the picture is fuzzy, place a sheet of aluminum foil between them.

6. Iron more effectively by putting a piece of aluminum foil under the ironing board cover. The foil will reflect the heat from the iron so both sides get ironed at once.

7. Move furniture with ease. To slide big pieces of furniture over a smooth floor, place small pieces of aluminum foil under the legs. Put the dull side of the foil down —- the dull side is actually more slippery than the shiny side.

8. Clean starch build-up from your iron by running a hot iron over a piece of aluminum foil.


1. Remove perspiration stains from white fabric by dissolving two aspirin in half a cup of warm water and applying to stained fabric. Leave for a couple of hours before washing.

2. Eliminate chlorine discoloration from hair by dissolving eight tablets in a glass of water and rubbing into your hair. Leave for about 10 minutes and then rinse. Shampoo.

3. Reduce pimples by making a paste with water and crushed aspirin. Cover the pimple with this paste; rinse after a few minutes.

4. Recharge a car battery by dropping two tablets into the battery itself. The aspirin’s acetylsalicylic acid will combine with the battery’s sulfuric acid to produce one last charge. Drive to the nearest service station. (One note, most car batteries are sealed these days, so if it is sealed, leave it sealed. Also, I don't know if there might be some chemical reaction, so cover your eyes with protective glasses and cover your exposed skin).

Let me know if any of these work for you.

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