Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sears Supports Military Families

When I was a little fellow, there was no internet in our house, or any house as far as that goes. TV was black and white, no color. Our entertainment came from books, bible stories, comic books, and using our imagination while playing with friends. There was always the Christmas parade and the excitement that surrounded this part of the year both in church and school.

 There was one book that always came in the mail at this time of the year. When it arrived, I would quickly search through it for the toy section. There were colorful pictures of all types of toys. Everything from Lincoln Logs, to bicycles, to vibrating football games.

This book was the Sears catalog, which was also known as the "Wishbook". This was mainly because many wishes were made while viewing its pages. I always envisioned playing with the different toys, knowing that I would most likely not see any of them. However, the entertainment was the imagination that the pictures invoked. It seemed that Sears had many pages of toys available for our little minds to play with. 

 We bought a lot of things from Sears, it was the trusted store. If you bought it from Sears, it would work and last a long time. 

 As I got older and the world expanded, more electronic stores and super stores came about, I strayed away from Sears. In fact, I have not been in a Sears store in probably four years. Well, after tonight that will change.

 I just saw a story on NBC news that spoke about how Sears has always supported its veterans. We hear many stories of families enduring hardship while they have had to go off to serve their country. Some have come back to find they have lost their job and maybe even their home.

 Not at Sears. In fact according to the story, Sears actually pays the difference in what the employee would have been making while working at Sears, and what they are making while in the Service, while also maintaining their health insurance for their family. One fellow said he even got his bonus just as though he had been working for Sears. My friends, this illustrates that Sears seems to be a company that really cares about its employees and supports good values. Values seems to be something that seems to be in short supply in corporations and government this season.

That story about Sears really touched me. Sears has just regained a former customer

So I looked around and found that Sears gave out over 30,000 $100 gift cards to famlies through its "Heros at Home" program to support our military families. This is just a good corporation!

And let me go one step further to encourage you to shop at

Or even better drive over and walk around the store, pick up that last item you need for Christmas. The exercise will do us all some good. 

Here is the link to the story on NBC, you have to watch a 30 second commercial first, but the story is worth waiting for:

PS: I did manage to get some of those toys from Sears. Thanks Mom and Dad!!
Shopping  and Fashion